our pad

our pad

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As I helped the girls with a first drink from their sippy cups, Cameron ran over, sat down beside me, and said "Girls I am so proud of you, I never thought I'd see the day when you would be drinking real water from a real cup." He always surprises me with the things he comes out with and always makes me laugh with his comments. He is now five and almost everyday there is something I think I should write down to remember when he is older. Of course I never do and now regret that I can not remember most of them, but before any more time goes by I will attempt to capture some of the more memorable Cameronisms.
I should have know he was going to be a character when the first two words he ever put together where to describe a favorite toy: dump and truck which he pronounced "dumb fu#*". I would get some interesting looks from other parents as he ran around the playground carrying his beloved truck and shouting that profanity. I remember one day, when he was a little older him walking into the kitchen with his face and top of his shirt soaking wet. "Cameron!" I said sternly, "Did you spill your drink?" "Oh no Mommy I didn't spill" he replied innocently, "I was just blowing bubbles in the potty!"
The holidays always provided the background for some great expressions by Cameron. When making a trip to visit Santa, I asked him what he was going to ask the big guy for. He casually answered "his list". He thought he was destined for coal and was bringing along a pen to transfer his name from the naughty to the good list. After Christmas was over and I was busy packing up the decorations Cameron walked over to me and casually stated "I don't know if our chimney is going to fit in that box, Mom," thinking our chimney was something we only took out once a year for Santa's annual decent into our fireplace!
Cam also had a lot to say about the babies. When we first broke the news to the boys that they were going to be big brothers, and have two babies, Cameron excitedly asked me, "Could you grow two puppies instead?" He soon came around to the idea of becoming a big brother, and wanted to get involved in the naming process. He said he picked the "bestest" names in the world for them, which he later disclosed where, Cameron and Cameron. While not original, it was nice that he was willing to share his own name with his new siblings. We decided to bring the boys along to an ultrasound appointment so they could catch a glimpse of the babies. We chose not to find out the twins gender, but Cameron said he was going to peek and see if they were girls or boys. I of course thought he was referring to peeking at the lower anatomy, but he later explained he was going to peek and see if their hair was long (=girls) or short (boys)!
I am convinced he is smart beyond his years however, others may beg to differ. Recently he had his interview for kindergarten and when the teacher asked him his phone number he confidently stated 911 ( a number he has "accidentally" dialed a few times in the past). While standing in front of a map outside the Dr.'s office a few weeks ago I asked him to locate Florida as we had recently flown to visit my parents there. "Hmmmmm" he said carefully scrutinizing the map, "I know its on there somewhere near heaven because we pass through the clouds to get there."
Putting Cam to bed is always an ordeal as he has more excuses and more ways of dragging out the whole process, and while exhausting now, I know at some future juncture I might look back and find it somewhat entertaining. So here is Cameron's bedtime ritual with some variation each night: 7:00 upstairs, brush teeth, go potty, get in PJs, pick out story, read story, say prayers, kisses and hugs, good night! Moments later from the top of the stairs: "Mom, I'm soooo thirsty. I didn't have anything to drink all day. I think I'm dehydrated! Can I please have just a little cup of water?" Well I know very well that he just had a glass of water with dinner, but it was hot out today, and maybe he didn't have anything to drink at school, so I give in and bring up one little cup of water, kisses and hugs, goodnight! Moments later: "Mom, I just drank all that water, I have to go to the bathroom again! You don't want me to wet the bed, do you?" No I don't. We have had some wet beds in the past so up I march, bring him to the bathroom, back to bed, kisses and hugs, goodnight! Moments later: "Mom I forgot to wash my hands, you don't want me to sleep with germs do you?" No, he's right...I hate germs. Back upstairs to make sure he doesn't overdue it with the soap which happens a lot (suds on the mirror, floor, his face, his hair). Washes hands, back to bed, kisses and hugs, good night! Moments later: "Mom, I miss you, your the nicest mom I ever had, just one more kiss, pleeeeeease, I love you sooooo much, please just one more hug?" Well he really does love me, and I would feel guilty all night if I didn't let him give me one more hug. So up I go, kisses and hugs goodnight." Moments later: I hear some things banging around upstairs. So up I go, open his door to find him sitting in bed with a flashlight thumbing through a book. "Cameron!" I say sternly. He looks at me, looks down at the book, looks back at me, looks back at the book, "Hmmm" he says still looking at the book in his hand, "how did this get here?" I grab the book, turn off the light, walk out, shut the door! Moments later : I walk back in to a sleeping baby boy, kisses and hugs, goodnight!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Date Night

Saturday Jim and I got out for a long overdue date night. These have been few and far between since we brought the girls home, so it was so refreshing to get out for a great meal, a little wine and some nice adult conversation. We put the girls to bed, ordered a pizza for the boys and left all four kids in the capable hands of Uncle Bobby. Since it was his first time with all four, we decided to stay local. We struck out at the first restaurant (reservations only) but ended up at Isabella's where we soon realized that uninterrupted adult conversation always turns back to talking about the kids! Growing up, Saturday night was date night in my house. My parents would go out for dinner every Saturday, often leaving my older siblings to babysit my brother and me. I never liked being left behind and my older brother and sister were often resentful that they had to stay in and watch us, but lucky for them there was the Love Boat to watch on TV! As I got older, however, my highschool friends and I looked forward to my parents heading in town for their dates and as I became a parent, I realized the importance of these nights out in a relationship and hope to also make Saturday night date night a tradition in our house!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Half Year Check Up

This past week the girls went to see our now good buddy, Dr. Shusterman, for their 6 month check-up. After a long winter with four kids we got to know Doc pretty well through three rounds of strep, one case of pneumonia, four ear infections, three flues, several cases of conjunctivitis, one broncheolitis, two bouts of thrush, two cases of roseola, a multitude of unexplained rashes and 4 colds that lasted from November to March. So I was glad we were there finally for a well visit- not so glad to see the waiting room lined with patients with masks on- perhaps the latest victims of the dreaded swine flu. But in we marched (or paraded with the double-snap-n-go) prepared with a fresh bottle of hand sanitizer and germ-X hand wipes to an abandoned corner, careful not to sit down and risk contamination. When we finally got called in the girls were in their usual good spirits which lasted until vaccine time: eight shots in all, two in each leg. The girls were crying and I think I might have been crying as they looked at me as if to say, "Why are you just standing there, letting this happen to me?" Luckily the crying stopped as soon as I picked them up and that bout of screaming certainly tuckered them out. They fell asleep on the car ride home and slept for close to five hours until I finally woke them for dinner. Dr. Shusterman was pleased with the girls growth and development and he thought they had more than caught up for being a month premature. Ella tipped the scales at 16 lbs 4 oz and measured 26.25" putting her in the 46 percentile for weight and 60% for height. Apparently she has been eating all of Avery's food because little Ava weighed in at just 14lbs 13 oz and measured 25.74" long placing her in the 19th percentile for weight and 40th percentile for height. But both girls are growing well along their charts and I was surprised to learn are now ready to try drinking from a sippycup and eating Gerber Puffs and Cheerios. Here's a clip of their first experience with real food:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Today was a great day to be a mom in my house. I slept in until 8:30 then came down stairs to a beautifully set table with a breakfast of green eggs and ham and yogurt parfait the boys had prepared for me. There were home-made gifts and cards including baby foot imprints of the girls which Jim had painstakingly made, adorning the table and a beautiful centerpiece of fresh flowers. Cameron told me I was "the goodest mom he'd ever had" and Jameson kept reiterating how much he loved me. The girls also made me feel so loved with their big grins and happy disposition. After my wonderful morning at home it was off to celebrate with my mom- the person who taught me everything about how to be a loving mother-always putting her children first. Aunt Tammy hosted a beautiful brunch and Nanny was so happy to be surrounded by all of her children and grandchildren. Nanny also loved that some of her Philadelphia relatives where able to join us and ease the longing she feels everyear on this day for her own mother. We returned home for a cookout with Jim's family in honor of NannyLil. Everyone brought something and Jim and Ampa worked the grill so us mothers were able to just relax and enjoy the beautiful afternoon outside. After everyone left, we all headed out to the front yard where the boys busied themselves planting the pink and white impatiens they had picked out for me. It was a day I will be able to remember all summer long when I look at those flowers blooming in the front yard.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jameson's First Communion

This past Saturday Jameson made his First Holy Communion. It was a beautiful ceremony on beautiful day. The church was packed with family and friends eager to see these second graders donned in white dresses or suits and ties approach the altar. Jameson walked in ( a bit faster than rehearsed) with "prayerful hands" and a most serious but innocent look upon his face. Later he took to the microphone to sing the refrain of the song, "Celebrate" as a duet in front of the whole church. I was more nervous than he was, but even through his lingering cold his voice sounded soft and beautiful. I come from a long line of tone deaf family members so I was thrilled to learn that Jameson might have inherited some of Nana-Lil's singing abilities! We came home to a great party with family, friends and neighbors, all just as proud of Jameson as I was. The house was decorated with a photo collage in the shape of a cross showing Jameson's growth and accomplishments over the last seven years. I also hung pictures of me and Jim on our First Communion day along with pictures of Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents on theirs, so that Jameson could see how he was part of a very special tradition. Next to a delicious cake Nanny picked out sat a gingerbread house I made in the shape of a church complete with stained glass window and a steeple. It was such a memorable day and although Jameson is just embarking on his journey of faith he has already taught me so much about mine.

April Vacation

Now that our tans have began to fade, I finally have time to post about our wonderful trip to Jupiter Island. The weather was beautiful and we all enjoyed the break from our busy schedules and the chance to spend time as a family and the time with Nanny, Papa and AunDar. Other than three trips to the ER for a fever virus the kiddos must have picked up on the plane ride down, we had a great time swimming at the pool and beach, visiting the zoo, taking walks and of course eating lots of wonderful meals out. Maneuvering a double stroller through a crowded restaurant was no easy task, but once I got a margarita in my hand and every appetizer on the menu in front of me, I soon forgot about the inconvenience and hassle. We made such nice family memories and are already looking forward to next years trip!